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History of chocolate

It all began in ancient Mesoamerica, Mexico.
This is the place where the first cacao plants were found.
The Olmec, one of the first civilizations in Latin America were the first people to make real chocolate out of the cacao plant.
They drank the chocolate during special events and they used it as medicine.

History of our chocolate company

We started in 2020, when the covid pandemic was around.
Lots of people didnt come out of their houses and were eating too much unhealthy stuff.
Example: The people ate a whole chocolate bar or a whole bag of chips in a day. Thats way to much.
So, we came up with a solution: We were going to release a chocolate bar. But not a big normal one, a small one!
The people would still eat a chocolate bar, but with less chocolate.
Way healthier, and it has even more advantages!